The week after Christmas


So in just days few days, a new year will be upon us. Personally, it’s hard to believe. It’s amazing how time flies these days. It really makes you learn to appreciate the time that you have and not take things for granted. After all, you never know what the future holds . Look at me. A year ago I was a celebrating Christmas in the wintery state of Ohio, surrounded by my mom’s family. On the other hand, this year with quite different. Instead of getting together this year, we figured it would be easier to cancel our Christmas get-together since grandma’s death. It will probably resume next year, but even then things will not be the same. Another change is the weather. Living in Virginia, our family was treated to our first Christmas without snow.

Honestly, I am not ready to start fresh. I am afraid I will get into the normal mode of life and let time pass me by.. I am afraid it will forget the important lessons that loved ones who have passed on have taught me. Looking back, I do have some regret that I never got to know my grandmother for the woman that she was.. the young spirited woman I sometimes catch a glimpse in my mother’s eyes. Part of her will always live on through my mother and for that I will always be grateful.. However, I’m sure there are stories I never got to hear. I’m sorry for that.

The same principle goes for my aunt. She was a quiet woman, never wanting to be a bother to anyone. They both taught me so much.

I don’t want to go back. However, I don’t want to forget this feeling- the feeling you get when something drastic happens to change your perspective. I’m beginning to wonder if that’s why this happened- to remember what’s really important in my life and who I am.. my dreams and childhood hopes for the future. Because that’s what they did. They may not have traveled miles to witness to others or accomplish their dreams. But they did in their own way.

It’s strange but in some small way, I feel a new sense of hope for the future. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me.

On that note, here are some other children’s dreams that came true this Christmas.

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