Radio show host Delilah’s philosophy: Touching “One Heart at a time”

Dear readers,
I’m not sure whether I’ve ever mentioned the Delilah show on Wash FM on here before or not. But I’m going to again if I haven’t. I’ve been listening to her show on and off for as long as I can remember; as a matter of fact, I rekindled my love for the show soon after I got my first Amazon Echo and I realized I could listen to her on I Heart Radio whenever I wanted. This woman is special in too many ways to count- not only does she have the unique ability to listen to someone’s story on the radio and pick out a song to match, but she also has a heart for children with special needs and those that aren’t easily adopted. After taking a hiatus to deal with a personal loss, she is back to inspire people with her story, music, and podcast. Her new book entitled “One Heart At a Time gives a more in-depth and personal look into her life and her philosophy of reaching one person at a time.
She also has a new podcast entitled “Conversations With Delilah” where she invites friends and authors to have a open and authentic conversation about their books and life in general. Within each conversation, she hopes audiences take away something- a little piece of hope and inspiration for the future. In her most recent podcast with Rory Feek, the two share how you don’t really learn to get over a loss, you just move on knowing that they are always with you.
For more information about Delilah, please go to:

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