Philadelphia adventures; moving chaos

Dear Readers,
I can’t believe it’s been a month since I’ve written on this blog and more since I’ve updated my YouTube channel. Actually I can. But to me, time seems to be going extremely slowly. Let me explain. After I returned from the Christian Writers conference in Philadelphia, I was ecstatic and on fire to finish my book. I’d spend my days writing nonstop-rarely stopping to read or update my Facebook. Believe me, that’s quite a feat considering I have a tendency to write on it at leastI did once a day. It’s a wonder, my friends didn’t private message me about my whereabouts. But now you know. I’m trying to remember whether I updated you guys as to my project.
In short, they liked my idea of having a disabled character center stage and thought I could give it a unique voice, considering my situation. They just encouraged me to keep writing and think about getting an agent. They said my writing seemed strong enough. We even met one at the conference interested in reviewing my work.  But that was put on hold because of our upcoming move.
Before our adventures at the conference, we had been in the process of finding a home in which my parents could downsize and still keep my special needs in mind. After months of searching and putting our house on the market, we finally found one and are in the process of boxing our stuff to move. We have to be out of here soon and I feel bad I can’t help.

We’re all stressed around here and it’s showing itself in different ways. Dad’s getting migraines (which he’s never experienced), mom’s back hurts her because of all the packing, me-, I can’t write. Severe writers block.

The next few weeks are going to be complete chaos. Hotels, movers, etc.

Since my basement will not be done for at least a month, I will be living stairs. The change will be a bit to get used to. But at least I can be upstairs for Dinners for a while. Oh, I am not looking forward to having to rehire aides in that area. That’s going to be fun. On the bright side, maybe some of them will be willing to take Medicaid so we don’t have to pay cash. Although, this new timesheet system..

Anyway, I’m sorry my writing is not as eloquent as usual. You can tell I’m a little frustrated. Change is always difficult for anyone
Hopefully, I will be able to show you some pictures in my next post
Prayers would be appreciated

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