My Very Own YouTube Channel

Dear Readers,

For a couple months now, I have toyed with the idea of creating a YouTube channel where audiences could actually put a name to my words as I write my blog. This would allow me not only to get to know my readers on a more intimate platform, but put something out more often. I’ll admit it’s not as easy for me to speak on recording as it is for me to write. But hopefully you will appreciate my effort and come to me with more questions or comments this way. I don’t pretend to know it all when it comes to having a disability, but hope to be a help to those on their personal walk of self-discovery. Either way, I’m here if you want to talk. I have no specific plan for these videos except to say they will inspire and challenge you on your road – whether you have a disability or not.

I will be continuously updating this as people become more involved. I look forward to seeing what God does with this..

God bless,

Debbie (a.k.a. Rollin Debbie)

For more information on this channel, please go to:

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