Michael Ketterer: Father Of 6 Scores Golden Buzzer From Simon Cowell – A…

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Every year America’s Got Talent seems to have its share of inspirational stories; 2018 is no different. Last night AGT featured father of six Michael Ketterer. Ketterer works as a pediatric mental health nurse from Orange County California. Originally, he hadn’t planned on having such a big family until fate stepped in. After a difficult first pregnancy,the couple gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Sofia; the doctors warned that if they wanted to have more children they would most likely encounter the same experience. So Michael and Ivy decided it would be just the three of them.. That is until Sofia began having dreams which had three little boys and them; it was then that they looked into the idea of adoption. After three years of getting certified, they were called about three brothers from a difficult upbringing. That’s how there family began growing. After a year and a half, the couple receives another call, another little boy was available. By this time, they thought they were done for sure. Wrong again. God had other plans.

Because of Michael’s background as a pediatric nurse, the next call was a special one. This one involved a little boy with cerebral palsy. But Michael still wasn’t sure about it. So he asked God to give him a sign. On his way home one night, Michael saw a literal featuring a father pushing his son with CP through a marathon.

And that was it. He knew.

For more information about this amazing contestant and his family, please go to:

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