My Last Days – Season 3 Trailer

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I heard about “My Last Days” when asking Alexa to turn on my lights one morning. While the premise of  this show may seem morbid at first; it’s really not. This show features real people dealing with terminal diagnoses in very unique ways. Rather than focusing on their death, these people concentrate on living every day as if it was their last. This allows them to follow their passion with no apologies and excuses. Take for example choreographer Miranda Davis, who is just 33 and expected to die by the age of 40; this is after her seventh diagnosis of a series of complex and rare disorder.

 Then there is Anthony Carbajal, who was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 26; unfortunately, the diagnosis runs in the family- his mom and grandma both had it in their lives. But he hasn’t allowed the diagnosis  stop him from pursuing his dreams of photography. He has his camera attached to his wheelchair.

“This wheelchair is making me a better photographer. In a weird way, I’m grateful for that. I started paying attention to the present moment..” he said

This medical docudrama airs on Fridays at 8 PM on the CW.

For more information on this series, please go to:

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