My problem with Windows 8

Welcome Back Readers~      

My apologies for not posting on this blog as regularly as I have in the past. Currently, I am in a state of transition from my two-bedroom apartment to a one-bedroom apartment in the same community; not only that, I’ve had to deal with a new (yet unreliable) computer back at my parent’s place… Which brings  me to  the title of today’s  post:  “”My Problem  with Windows 8″.  

    In my opinion,  Windows 8 is not as  easy  as it  claims  to be. For starters, users of the system are asked to create n Microsoft password and then forced to merge their information on certain apps on the computer such as Skype. This may be fine for those of you who use one primary computer, but otherwise it seems like a more complicated process-keeping track of passwords. Upon further reflection, merging accounts does not change your access of Skype on other computers.

It also poses difficulty for those using Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 or 11. The software is not yet compatible to control the Metro interface and some of the Global commands no longer work. Worse yet, the newest version isn’t compatible either-take heart, the company is aware of the problem and looking for solutions.

Aside from the basic Windows options, users should be aware that Internet Explorer has a propensity to crash when entering dictation into search fields. This was a major source of contention for me since I am unable to restart the voice recognition by hand myself upon system reboot; this is because things like the “start” button have been removed and the ability to create startup routines have been made EXTREMELY difficult. The only way to stop th computer from crashing was for me to start using Microsoft Firefox instead.

Although my dad was able to deal with most of these problems on his own or with the help of technical experts, Windows 8 has been an extreme disappointment. What was supposed to be a unique Christmas surprise turned into a frustrating experience for both me and my father.

I will keep you, my readers, up-to-date with any changes being made to the Windows 8 system. Luckily, I am still able to use Windows 7 on my desktop computer at the apartment and only have to cope with Windows 8 on my laptop at home!

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