Music Monday: “You Can Rest” by Hillary Scott

Music Monday: “You Can Rest” by Hillary Scott

By Debbie Waltz

Full disclosure: I have had this song on my mind during the last few weeks. It especially seems appropriate today since I have used this weekend to attend a virtual marketing conference. It went well, but I struggled with taking notes and a lot of the hands-on exercises during some workshops. Still, some participants were angels and emailed me their notes. After attending these conferences, I wonder how much information I will retain and use, considering I’m geared to a specialized audience- people with disabilities and their caregivers.

But then again, I’m in cyberspace. So I am accessible to anyone with a computer. That means my message has the potential to reach a much wider audience. But, if you think about it, that’s a lot of pressure- especially for someone who uses voice recognition like me. So how do I create new and exciting content for my readers while remaining consistent with my message? How do I make personal time for myself to do other tasks like continue editing my book? But most of all, how do I remain connected to God during it all?

Can I be honest with you? It’s a constant battle – struggling to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord—figuring out how transparent to be with you all and yet keep some things private between God and me. But I leave it in God’s hands, knowing that he knows my intentions and who needs to hear this message today.

That’s why I chose “You Can Rest” by Hillary Scott for this week’s “Music Monday.” Not only is this a perfect nighttime zone, but along with its soothing melodies, the song reminds me that God is faithful and can be trusted no matter the circumstances. It’s another reminder about the importance of prayer in our daily lives.

He cares about you.

He cares about me.

So what have you got to say to Him today? Whatever it is, he is listening and ready to help…

PS. For those struggling with what to pray, please just listen to the song’s lyrics.. It will give you a great place to start.

The song can be accessed here:

2 thoughts on “Music Monday: “You Can Rest” by Hillary Scott”

  1. Honestly I don’t think I have ehewrs this song before….but I will listen to it now. God is good! He made you so wonderfully yet different and I know that is hard for you. But you are amazing friend, sister, Aunt, daughter…everything.

    • Thanks, BA. I appreciate this encouragement. It’s hard when you’re trying to keep up with everything- I know you can relate to having to keep up with your kids, so I thought my readers would also relate to the song. Hopefully, next week, things will return to normal as I am still editing my book alongside my mother, which makes writing these blogs difficult. Truthfully, I find the blogs easier to write


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