Music Monday: “Find Your Wings” by Mark Harris

Music Monday: “Find Your Wings” by Mark Harris

by: Debbie Waltz

This weekend has been a busy one for my family and me. For starters, my parents attended “GRANDPARENTS DAY” at my nieces’ school, during which my nieces showed off their first-place duo performance of a skit picturing the emotional tragedy of the Challenger disaster. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend, but I saw a video of their performance; it was touching and inspirational to see the girls work together so hard to accurately portray the heartbreak on a personal and global level.

We also celebrated my dad’s 70th (ish) birthday this weekend. Every year, I continue to be amazed at how my dad can sustain his busy lifestyle. But he seems to enjoy and make time with his family a priority. I’ve learned a lot from my parents about maintaining a balanced lifestyle between work and family; they’ve taught me the importance of faith and keeping God at the center.

This made me think about Mark Harris’s song “Find Your Wings”; this song tells the story of a parent’s emotional and spiritual struggle of “letting go” when the time is right. It acknowledges that children are a gift from God and a parent’s responsibility to raise them right. At the same time, you realize that they will eventually grow up and leave home. Your prayer is that you’ve done your job correctly- teaching your children the value of a relationship with God and of dreams.

Not only did they teach me this through what they said, but they showed me this through their actions as well. They were willing to go to any length to advocate on my behalf but allowed me to share my opinions as well. I eventually began to share my opinions more and more when it came to my education; I blossomed.

That doesn’t mean my life is easy; it isn’t. But I trust in The One that created me, and I trust Him that everything will be okay. He is not finished with me yet, and there are great things ahead for me (Jeremiah 29:11 and Ephesians 2:10)

To view the song, “Find your wings” can be accessed here:

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