It’s been one of those weeks

Hey Guys~

My apologies, it’s just been one of those weeks. You know the kind I’m talking about.. the kind where you are once again reminded about permanence of your situation. Your days are consumed with therapy and doctors appointments. You know they have your “best interest” at heart, but you just want to be left alone to live your life. You need to get away, time to breathe and be yourself. You need to remember how special you are in your family’s eyes as well as God. After having 14 shots of Botox and training yet another personal assistant, you have no idea how much I was looking forward to this weekend. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t feel as if this round of Botox is working like the last one. Although, with this stressful life I live, so many factors could influence it.. As I’m writing this, even, I’m wearing a plastic wrist splint on my left arm and having spasms..

Anyway, these are the days and weeks that I need to be lifted up to “higher ground”. This idea is not a new one. In fact last night I came across this devotional than I thought I would share with you. It involves one of my mentors, Joni Erickson Tada. In that, she tells the story of one time she was in a car accident on the way to a speaking engagement. They looked to see whether her legs were swollen-a signal to her that something was going wrong in her body. At first, nothing happened and they proceeded to the airport.

In her own words, I will continue the story: “All seemed fine, so we cautiously proceeded on to the airport. Midway through our flight, my leg began to swell. When we arrived at our destination, an ambulance took me to the hospital where x-rays confirmed I had broken my leg. It was 3:30 a.m. by the time they put on a cast and released me to go back to our hotel. To calm my nerves, I asked God if he would give me a hymn to sing. Immediately, I began humming, “Lord, lift me up and let me stand, by faith on heaven’s tableland; a higher plain than I have found – Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.” The next day I traveled onto Lancaster Bible College to give the commencement address. As I sat on the platform, the graduation program began with a hymn. The audience stood and sang – I couldn’t believe it! – “Still praying as I’m onward bound, ‘Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.'” In that moment, she was reminded of God and his constant presence in every circumstances.

Next time you feel down, look around God shows himself in many different ways. I have to remember my citizenship is that of Heaven. Where no pain and discomfort exists

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