getting to know Debbie part 2

Welcome back Readers;

In my last blog, I opened myself up to questions from my readers; unfortunately, the response was underwhelming so I had to resort to questions I’ve been asked in the past regarding my disability. I apologize in advance for the lackluster of this video as I was feeling a little under the weather that day. That being said, I decided to share it again here. If anyone has any new questions for me, please feel free to email me at the new email I’ve added to this blog and I will be happy to respond to you.

I do have a new video that I plan on posting a bit closer to Valentine’s Day about the true meaning of love. This is for all the single ladies out there struggling to find their purpose in life and waiting for “the one” to enter their life so they can finally celebrate the day. In this waiting period, so many single ladies are missing the moments in between where they have the freedom to touch other people’s lives in ways they can’t imagine. So many people need love in this world; so many people need companionship.

Too often we forget about them and focus on ourselves. We shouldn’t

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