Encouragement Of the Day

Welcome back.

As I considered about what to write today, I was at a loss for topics. But not anymore. It’s kind of funny actually how ideas and inspiration comes when you least expect them or when you need it the most.

Over the past few months, the importance of mornings have become increasingly more obvious to me. How you spend the first few hours your day says a lot about you and what’s important in your life. It sets the tone for the day, sometimes influencing your outlook and any decision to you might make. For me, it’s always important to start in the day out with my devotion. These devotions serve not only as a source of inspiration, but also yet another positive role model despite the constant challenges that having a disability sometimes brings.

You see, as well as being a Christian, the author is also disabled. Her name is Joni Erickson Tada. Paralyzed in a diving accident as a teenager, she reminds me on a daily basis the importance that faith plays on a person’s life. She is best known for her drawings which depict the beauty of God’s creation. This beauty is even more remarkable when people consider the paintings are done by mouth, not by hand. Yes, you heard me correctly. Every painting is drawn with a pen placed in her mouth and a easel in front of her. She also is known for her ability to open people’s minds and motivate them to find their purpose in life.

Back to today’s devotional. Oddly enough, it was on the topic of encouragement. It reminded me why I was doing this blog. Today’s verse was Hebrews 10: 24: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds.” In creating this website, it was my hope to do just that. Encourage others to accomplish their dreams and do great things. Showing people that anything is possible if you believe.

Remember, it isn’t always the things you accomplish but the way you accomplish them and then make the difference. For example, even the simplest gesture like a smile or a wave and change someone’s day for the better. You never know what difference you can make; so don’t limit yourself.

Have a great day!
God bless,


4 thoughts on “Encouragement Of the Day”

  1. Thanks for the encouragment! I needed your advice about how to start my day .. and you have inspired me to start my day the way you do. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the encouragment! I needed your advice about how to start my day .. and you have inspired me to start my day the way you do. Thanks.


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