Disability carnival #67- Proud Voices

Welcome back~

So, it’s been kind of hard for me to find my voice this week. I often find myself at a loss for words in regards to what is happening in the world today. In my family even. What could I say to heal the wounds or dry the tears of those around me? For that matter, how do I know it would make any difference?

That being said, I can only conclude that this is lack of sleep talking. Over the last couple days, I haven’t really slept much. I guess You could say I have a lot on my mind with everything going on.

I’m passing this link on in the hope it will provide some direction to your day and you can learn something from it even if I don’t want to comment on it. One post certainly struck me in the midst of my dark and dismal day. (Metaphorically)


In This Post, I was reminded where my true strength and confidence comes from.

But the other blog entries for the Carnival were good too!


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