Brave New World


So it’s about that time again. It’s Friday and I have to say I’m a little disappointed with how my week has gone. I had intended to spend the week writing on my book because my personal assistant is on vacation. But things have been the same since I arrived back from vacation. Creatively, that is. Still, I’m writing on here; that counts for something right?

Anyway, I was thinking about how much moving to Virginia changed my life. On the one hand, I was a success in Michigan. I had everything going for me there, my own apartment, a job, a great group of friends as well as living independently. But most of all, I was comfortable. In Virginia, the story is drastically different. I have struggled to assert my independence where I barely know anyone. It’s been hard, but it caused me to grow in ways I never imagined.

A recent syndicated episode of Boy Meets World reminded me to be grateful of that. The episode was part of a two-part finale where Topanga and Cory struggle with their decision to move to New York after she is offered a internship. As always, Mr. Feeney is there to offer advice. I distinctly remember posting their dialogue in a previous post and now I can’t find it. Maybe I need some fresh eyes of readers to look for with me. I will be very grateful because I have been looking for the post ever since the the episode re-aired today. It’s really bugging me. Please help me find it.

In short, their dialogue consisted of Topanga being compared to that of the plant. She’s comfortable where she is and always succeeded here at home. Because she knows nothing different.

Or if you can’t find on my blog, please tell me where I can find it. Because I’ve searched everywhere.

I don’t know if my explanation of the episode does it justice, but hey at least I tried

4 thoughts on “Brave New World”

  1. I can relate. I'm, in a way, in your same position as a college student trying to establish and make a name for myself. I've been successful thus far. A big part of making my mark in my new daunting environment is being my unique self – not allowing anything to stifle the personality and great ideas that God established in me. I have a blog where my fellow peers and myself discuss the power of being ourselves. Perhaps you can join in the conversation sometime 🙂 Best wishes on your book. I too am a writer and lover of literature. I look forward to reading your work.

  2. I can relate. I'm, in a way, in your same position as a college student trying to establish and make a name for myself. I've been successful thus far. A big part of making my mark in my new daunting environment is being my unique self – not allowing anything to stifle the personality and great ideas that God established in me. I have a blog where my fellow peers and myself discuss the power of being ourselves. Perhaps you can join in the conversation sometime 🙂 Best wishes on your book. I too am a writer and lover of literature. I look forward to reading your work.


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