Amazing People, part three


I am running a bit behind. I haven’t had the best week this week. Being in Virginia has been fun and different, but I guess the changes are getting to me. I’m just not myself. As a result, I think they be going to take a break for a week. But I have decided to finish this week out strong. Ironically, this post is is one of encouragement- which I could use right now.

Today’s post features music artist, Renée Blonde. What’s so special about Renée? Like me, she believes in the power of music to inspire and motivate people. Not only that but she is doing something she loves- something no one ever thought she would do again. You see, there’s something I haven’t told you. Renée is also paralyzed from the neck down. The rest of her remarkable story can be accessed on the today’s Christian woman at:

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