A Parent’s Prayer

I know I haven’t been writing much lately. Since returning last Wednesday from Ohio, our whole family has been battling colds. You know what they say, “When it rains, it pours.” Well, that couldn’t be more true. I know that things will be different though with both my mom’s mom (my grandmother) as well as my Great Aunt gone. But they both lived great lives, true testaments to the power of a humble faith and love.

Lately, I have constantly reminded how life is short. Looking back, I kind of wish I had gotten to know them a little bit better- for the person they were etc.. But I can’t. I can only move forward, making the best out of every opportunity that’s given to me. That being said, let’s move on to today’s posts. Now that I think about it , it kind of fits with the message I had for today- “Making The Most Out Of Every Opportunity . “

Last Sunday, Extreme Makeover featured two stories of people/families with disabilities making the most out of their situation. The primary recipient is the Martinez family. Growing up, Dawn (the mother) always had a hard for caring for children. Naturally, after graduating, she decided to become a nurse caring for those dying of cancer. On the personal front, Dawn was happily married and eager to start a family of her own with her high school sweetheart, Emmanuel. Soon, they were married and gave birth to their first child- a daughter- they named Ell. Soon after, they were blessed with news that they were going to have more children- twins. However, both boys presented challenges straight from birth.

Evan was born with a genetic disorder which displays itself in the number of mental and physical disabilities. Alex, on the other hand, was born with several facial and skeletal problems that will require many surgeries in the future to correct. Currently, the family lives in a two-story house, which limits the the family’s mobility.

In the episode, Ty Pennington points out that this week is about the way you look at people, especially people that have more difficulties than you do in life. “.. He [the father] doesn’t see that they’ve got special needs as much as he sees their potential. What we’ve got to do now is give them a space to raise their children, let them dream and reach their full potential “

During the build, thousands of people with disabilities came to help, including Sam Malek. Despite having cerebral palsy, Sam owns a coffee shop called More than coffee. Not only does he serve coffee, but this 17 month establishment strives to employ people with a variety of disabilities.

“This is what God called me to do, I’m trying to change the world as they say. one cup at a time, one person at a time.. cause there’s always someone else in need,” said Malek.

The team was so touched by this story that they decided to remodel the shop as well. Upon
futher explanation, Malek hopes to increase the interaction between his employers and the community.

Truth is, I could go on and on about this episode. There were so many good quotable quotes and I don’t think I could do it justice. I’m hoping they may have this episode on ABC.com pretty soon for you to check out on the web. Because it was worth watching.

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