Back to reality


Even though I am about a week behind on my posts, I figure it is better late than never. Some days are harder than others to remain positive. I’m not just talking about my disability. After all, look at the economy. People are wondering what the future holds. In times like these, it’s easy to get discouraged. Believe me, I know.

That being said, I wanted to share a little story with you. This story tells of the courageous life of Dorothy Williams, a British missionary sharing the message of God’s love in the 1930s. It came in part of a devotional I received from Joni and Friends . During one of her missionary journeys, she noticed that her colleagues who are nurses, seem to be in distress. She inquired why.

‘ “Oh, Mum, I am feeling much afraid today,”

This was Dorothy’s response:

“Dearie, look at these shiny instruments on your tray.” The British missionary picked up the pointiest one, then added, “The devil has a tray of instruments, too, and the shiniest and sharpest is his tool of discouragement – it’s sharp because he uses it so often.” The student nurse smiled, blushed, and then went on her way with fresh resolve.

Striking, right? But Dorothy is so right. Discouragement is simple, but it can have a huge impact. On a personal level, it can affect a person’s self-esteem. On the other hand, it can stop us from doing so much. After all, much of our human actions are impacted by the way we feel rather than what we know we should do.

Think about that the next time you are discouraged. I certainly will

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