A Letter to My Readers: My Reflections on the Summer and My Upcoming Wedding Road Trip

Dear readers,

How’s your summer going? My summer has not gone exactly as planned, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Preparing for another “Music Monday,” it occurred to me I have shared little of my summer plans. Not that I haven’t done things I have. It’s just been slightly abbreviated with my dad’s injury and recovery process. The physical therapists say my dad is doing well compared to others who have sustained this type of injury. They’ve even approved him to begin lifting me…

We are taking things slowly, ensuring we’re both comfortable and that he does not overdo it and re-injure himself. But if you’re familiar with my dad, you understand how difficult it can be; since he’s not one to say “no” or slow down and relax.

Despite my dad’s injury, we’ve made the summer the best it could be with quick trips to the beach and a few staycations. Yes, the summer didn’t go exactly as planned, but it has made me appreciate life for what it is- a gift from God. His accident is a reminder that he’s not getting any younger and more prone to injury. I know things could’ve ended up differently had he landed any differently and sustained more injuries. Thankfully, God intervened and had him sustain most of the impact on his arm.

Still, my dad had to undergo several weeks of therapy before they would approve an MRI to see whether the tear had healed on its own. It was a difficult time for us all, watching my dad undergo so much pain and wondering if things would ever return to normal. At that point, my dad was enduring sleepless nights and much pain. My mom and personal assistant, Mia, were in charge of most of my care. Each did their best to hide how draining this was on them, but I could tell-especially with mom. It was hard for me having to watch from the sidelines and not being able to help as I wanted to: I did what I could, mind you, providing an occasional door dash meal as a surprise for dinner.

This accident has caused me to look at my parents differently; They are not as young as they once were and will not always be around. Now I know to some it might sound morbid, but it’s the truth. That’s why it’s so essential disabled people surround themselves with personal care attendants, family, friends, etc. These people will be a source of support in the future. I am so glad Mia introduced us to her sister, Shantel. As difficult as the situation was, it widened our circle of friends.

One would have thought the accident would slow my dad down. Nope, not my dad. He’s acting as if it never occurred; Besides therapy, he’s back to work in front of his computer most days. Not that I mind. I’m glad to see him feeling better and back to himself.

Still… I wish he would slow down and take time to enjoy things a bit more.

With Covid and its different variants going around, we are still cautious. So that leaves me at home writing and occasionally watching “Christmas in July” on Hallmark. If you’ve followed me long enough, you know I love Christmas. Not just because of the decorations, it brings hope to those who need it most. The holiday reminds us how important love and family are; It reminds us we are a part of a community and need to help each other.

On a lighter note, I am looking forward to attending a college friend’s wedding in Illinois in August. It will be the first time we have gotten together since college. Made even more unique., my niece has decided to go with us and make it a road trip. (This seems like a doable compromise since mom can’t come with us because she has prior commitments; that way, he will have someone to help with the driving and other things. However, dad is assuring me he will be better by that point. But it’s better to be safe than sorry.)

I’m hoping the interactions with my friends will show Elizabeth how important college is to the growth process and give her what she needs to continue to study and work hard in Her Senior Year.

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