Faithful Friday: A Closer Look at Tabatha (a.k.a. Dorcas)

Faithful Friday: A Closer Look at Tabatha (a.k.a. Dorcas)

by: Debbie

On Thursday night, I began a 9-day devotional from called “Portraits of Women in the Bible.” This short devotional highlights some of the less known but still faithful women of the Bible. Look at Tabatha (a.k.a. Dorcas), for example. Acts 9:36- 42 tells us she was always doing good and helping the poor. She was so helpful that friends called upon the disciple Peter to come when she became ill and died.

I don’t know what they expected to happen…

But I doubt they expected him to raise her like Jesus did Lazarus. But that’s exactly what Peter did.

What am I getting at here?? I guess I’m trying to say never discount the small things you do in this life. They make a difference, maybe not to you. But to someone else, they do.

I mean, think about the clothing and items Dorcas made that were so valuable to the women in the community that they laid them around her during her funeral. Plus, they invited Peter. They must have known he was going to try to do something.

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