Your Own Show: Series Finale


So things didn’t work out exactly like I expected. Going into the last few weeks, I had every intention of updating readers on my life and current disability shows like Your Own show. But I have felt a little distracted and spacey lately. I don’t know exactly why, I’ve just had trouble giving a voice to my thoughts going on inside my head. I seem to have lost focus in what’s important.

Anyway, enough about me and onto the real reason for this post. I am thrilled to announce that Kristina and Zach got their own show as a result of being winners for Oprah ‘s Your Own Show. The decision was an easy one, since both contestants brought their A Game despite being nervous and overcoming sickness while producing their pilot.

The pilot was a three minute snapshot of what each contestant felt their show would be like. For Zach, he entitled his pilot “Rollin Around The World with Zach Anner” and took viewers around some of the highlights of Hollywood, including Hollywood Boulevard and the Kodak Theater as well as many others. In his usual comedic style, he pointed out that not all weather is going to be good for sightseeing, pointing out the smog that sometimes exists in the city. By the end of of shooting, it was clear that Zach was exhausted and some of the teammates that rejoined in order for Zach and Kristina to complete the task didn’t think he would be able to do this on a consistent basis.

On the other hand, Kristina had a cooking show in her sights after completing this process. Her goal: getting people out of restaurants and back into the kitchen. With a little help from a friend, Daniel, she was able to overcome her nerves and make the kitchen easily accessible to her viewers

Both Zach and Kristina’s shows will be produced by award-winner Mark Burnett. He has produced such reality shows as Survivor etc.

Even though I don’t get the network, I am kind of looking forward to seeing whether they post recent episodes of the shows online for each of the contestants or whether you have to get the network to receive the show..

I’ll keep you posted!

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