Encouragement: Living For Today

Hey Guys~

Today I was reminded of the importance of breathing. No, I’m not just talking about the process of inhaling and exhaling; but actually living every moment with the purpose. Sounds simple, right? I will be the first one to tell you it’s not because there are more things in this world do distract you then to help you on your journey. Take for example the application of Facebook. Many people use it as a avenue for contacting friends, displaying photos of recent events, etc. But in actuality, the platform has taken on a mind of its own, featuring mindless and sometimes addictive games.

I’m not saying that’s a bad thing because sometimes we need a break or to talk to friends who are miles away. Just try and think about what you are doing.. Is this really necessary or is this just a distraction to keep me from focusing on the real issues in my life.

That’s a question that came up as I was playing “baking life” after reading a devotional from Joni Eareckson Tada. The theme: “Who Are You Living for?” As Christians, the answer should be a simple one-God. But sometimes we take God and his grace for granted and EXPECT him to save us when we make a mistake. He does, but that doesn’t give us free reign when it comes to sinning.

Read Romans Six and it elaborate this point..

Writing this post, I thought I would make more sense and it turned out completely different than I expected. I’m sorry if I am not clear in my writings and they may turn out to be more ramblings than anything else.

On a personal note, lately I find myself slipping into some of the anxiety-ridden tendencies that I had back in college. I’m guessing it stems from my internal struggle for independence. I know I have limitations that keep me dependent on people. Let’s face it. It’s always going be that way, but that doesn’t mean I don’t deserve the opportunity to be on my own in an apartment. After all, I’ve done it before and survived successfully in Michigan. But when people I work with don’t understand that and think I would be better off living at home. I can’t handle people like that.. I know there are entitled to their own opinion, but that negativity frustrates me to the point I almost felt sick.

Health issues or not, I’m glad I got that off my chest!

I’m sorry if I don’t write tomorrow, I will do my best to remember.

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