Your opinion is needed!

Dear Friends,

I know it seems like I have just returned, but I have to go out of town again this weekend. One of my dear aunts passed away. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we go through this difficult time. That being said, I will be running behind on my regular posts for next week. That is, if I feel up to doing them at all. When you are faced with difficulties such as these, it really makes you think about the sanctity of life. Questions like, “Are you doing all you can to present a positive perspective in your life?”or “What am I doing here?” constantly come to mind. I know it was all in God’s timing and that she was ready to go, but it was just so unexpected for all of us. That being said, I am going to say what I always say to my readers. Please, think of this day for what it is. A gift from God. Where are you going to do to help someone out today?

But there is another reason for this post. I recently came across a way to make my blog a podcast and I was wondering whether my readers would like that. Your opinion is needed very much.

Again, thanks for your prayers,


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