Wisdom Wednesday: Wisdom and the Spirit

Wisdom Wednesday: Wisdom and the Spirit

Submitted by Debbie’s Dad


But they were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.

(Acts 6:10 NASB 1995)

Our pastor has been going through the book of the Acts of the Apostles and last week reached the sixth chapter, where the new church had to decode how to delegate responsibilities as the believers in Jesus Christ (the church) were growing very rapidly. Something caught my eye as we looked at the apostle’s decision to choose godly men to provide and distribute food for the widows in the church family.

They chose seven men of good reputation, who also were “full of the Spirit and wisdom” (v. 6:3). This means that the work of God’s Spirit was evident in their lives, and they exhibited the wisdom of God (not the world). In this case, they probably exhibited an aptitude for the coordination of practical care activities. While listing the seven men they chose, the emphasis on Stephen explains, “… they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5). And in the following verses, we also learn more about Stephen:

  • His gracious and powerful service—As Stephen was serving the needy believers, he was also miraculously caring for their infirmities. “And Stephen, full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people, (Acts 6:8).
  • His wisdom and spirit–But a conspiracy of some from the Synagogue opposed Stephen and began arguing with him. Stephen responded powerfully, exhibiting the same spirit and wisdom that he was known for. “But they were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking” (Acts 6:10). And he was persuasive–and they did not like it (See the increasing opposition in Acts 6: 11-15; and his ultimate martyrdom in chapter 7)

Instances of the association between the Spirit of God and Wisdom are found in other places in Scripture to equip people to serve and represent the Lord:

  • Uri the son of Hur was filled with the Spirit of God in wisdom to be a craftsman chosen by God to make the items of worship (arc, mercy seat, altar, woven garments, and items) for the place of worship for the Israelite nation. (Exodus 31:3 and 35:31).
  • Joshua, upon taking leadership after Moses’ death, was acknowledged as being “filled with the spirit of wisdom” because Moses had laid his hands on him. (Deuteronomy 34:9)
  • The wife of pagan King Belshazzar acknowledged that Daniel possessed the “spirit of the holy gods” and “wisdom of the gods”. (Daniel 5: 10-12)

Even as Isaiah prophesied about the messianic King, he said that “the spirit of wisdom and understanding” would rest on him. (Isaiah 11:1-2).

And in praying for the believers at the growing church in Ephesus, Paul expressly prayed that the Lord would give them a “spirit of wisdom”. (Eph. 1:17)

Our lives, as believers and followers of the Lord Jesus, should be characterized by the spirit of wisdom–trusting in God, yielded to His Spirit and walking in the wisdom that He provides.


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