Upcoming road trip

Hello everyone,
Yes, I know it’s been a long time-over a month since I last posted on here. Like everyone else, I was left speechless by the recent events that occurred at Virginia Tech. It’s events like these that make you question everything you think, say or do on a daily basis. That’s part of the reason why it has taken me so long to post. Birthdays have a tendency to do that as well and since I just had one it’s caused me to reflect back on my life.

For me, this blog has always served two purposes. Yes, it is a place where I can open up and share my thoughts and feelings with the world. But more importantly, it should be a place where both sides of life should be adequately portrayed. After all, that is what a writer strives to do on a daily basis-tell a balanced story, despite the thoughts and feelings on the subject. What ever the subject may be. For the last month, that’s why I haven’t written. Because I haven’t been able to tell both sides of my story. In fact, sometimes I feel like I’m still not ready to share everything that’s been going on lately while looking for a career. On the other hand, I didn’t want to leave you hanging wondering whether I was going to continue this little project or not. The truth is, I’m not sure anymore. I just wanted to let everybody know I’m doing alright. Thanks for sticking with me on the journey.

My family and I are headed on a little road trip, hopefully, this road trip will bring clarity and truth.

See you when I get back.

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