The campaign for disability and employment

Hello again,

During this very difficult time, it is hard for anyone INCLUDING the disabled to find a job. In this new public service announcement, this simple idea takes center stage. It highlights a variety of a people with disabilities, sharing what they can do to help support businesses in a variety of different ways.

The commercial is a real eye-opener.

Please take a look

2 thoughts on “The campaign for disability and employment”

  1. What a wonderful video! I spoke volumes to me. I wanted to share, if I may, a resource for those that are in need of career opportunities. I’m suffering with a chronic disability that caused me to lose my job. I started working for a company specializing in part time home based work for those who are disabled. I wanted to share their information in case it applies to any of the readers.
    The J.Lodge Corporation, a quality call services company, has sustained profitability since 1999 and accredits its success solely to its unique employee model that consists of disabled business Americans. J.Lodge is striving to provide work from home part-time careers for disabled Americans. Currently, J.Lodge is expanding and accepting applications for those individuals who are interested in our company and who qualify for our positions. If anyone is interested, please visit: and apply online. Thanks, Allison

  2. What a wonderful video! I spoke volumes to me. I wanted to share, if I may, a resource for those that are in need of career opportunities. I’m suffering with a chronic disability that caused me to lose my job. I started working for a company specializing in part time home based work for those who are disabled. I wanted to share their information in case it applies to any of the readers.
    The J.Lodge Corporation, a quality call services company, has sustained profitability since 1999 and accredits its success solely to its unique employee model that consists of disabled business Americans. J.Lodge is striving to provide work from home part-time careers for disabled Americans. Currently, J.Lodge is expanding and accepting applications for those individuals who are interested in our company and who qualify for our positions. If anyone is interested, please visit: and apply online. Thanks, Allison


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