Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling”

Hello Everyone~

In my previous post, I explained the tireless journey that it took me to get a job. At first, I did my best to thank God for the opportunity on a daily basis; over time, it’s newness wore off and a routine was put into its place.. I am happy to say that didn’t last long!

Eventually, I recognized the error of my ways and wanted to find a way of reconnecting with God.. Jesus was, after all, though one responsible for granting the the blessing in the first place.. I had nothing to do with it.

As Christians, we have a tendency to become too involved in the affairs of this world and forget where our citizenship really lies. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we shouldn’t care about people. We should; God calls us to be “a light” in the midst of the darkness. Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling” is one of the audible books I’ve downloaded in an effort to restore and repair my spiritual relationship with Jesus. Each day, it gives me a reminder of how I am important in my Father’s eyes.

I have always been His Child covered by Jesus and his Ultimate Sacrifice on the cross. But my relationship with him will always be a work in progress

That is, until he comes again and completes his final work in me!

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