A Note from the Career Girl

Dear Readers,

A little over three months have gone by since my last post; I’m happy to report that during that time, I’ve become gainfully employed. This isn’t to say the process has been easy- as I’ve found it difficult to adjust to early morning schedules and long work days. Still, I wouldn’t change a thing. Not only for the chance of a paycheck, but because I am making a difference with this stuff. I am producing on a daily basis…

Nothing could have prepared me for this stress that working could bring, though. In the beginning, I felt unstoppable- ready and willing to take on whatever task I’ve been given. Over time, things shifted. If I’m being honest, I think it’s because I lost touch with WHO had blessed me with the job in the first place.

That being said, my advice is: Don’t take for granted the opportunities that may come your way. Better yet, don’t forget about the person who sent them.. Jesus cares about you!. He is deeply invested in your life as long as you allow it

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