National Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Day

Hello Everyone~

Yesterday was National Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Day. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a chronic lung disease that eventually spreads to other organs;it is a genetic disorder which causes a thick buildup of mucus in the lungs and pancreas. Approximately 30,000 people in the US suffer from CF. In fact, two of Matt Roger’s own children have it. Matt is a member of the Hallmark cable channel “Home and Family” staff that appears for segments occasionally.

“That [CF] is not the banner of the Rogers household; the banner of the Rogers household is Jesus is Lord. That’s my banner every single day and greater is He that is in us than all of that that’s in the world..”

He continues saying,”… Because the second I put the label of cystic fibrosis on them, they’re going to wear that and that’s what they’re going to become and I don’t believe that. Faith isn’t denying a problem’s existence but it’s denying the influence of that problem in your life. So I have this problem but I have this God that’s bigger than the problem and that’s where I keep my focus..”

Matt’s children, Mason and Sam, require two hour daily breathing treatments. People with CF eventually require lung transplants which can cost $40,000 with insurance ($800,000 without insurance)

Christina Davidson’s Foundation aims to provide support for those who cannot financially afford the cost. For more information on the foundation, please visit:

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