My Birthday Adventures in Disney World Part 1

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After 30 years, I can finally say I’ve been to Walt Disney World twice in my lifetime. The first time when I was seven years old or so and my parents wanted to show their children a good time. This time, I am 37 years old and trying to rediscover some of that magic and childlike awe we tend to lose in the process of growing up, I can honestly say I’ve done that. In this post, I will highlight some of my favorite activities to do in the Magic Kingdom that are handicapped accessible for those in wheelchairs.

 My mom made reservations or three days at Disney’s Polynesian Resort, which incidentally was the same hotel we stayed at originally. The resort still had its Hawaiian style decor; however, it has seen its share of technological advances- like electronic bracelets that allow you access to the hotel as well as the theme parks. These bands are only available as part of a theme park package. Employees at the resort always seem to go above and beyond to make your stay extremely pleasant. For instance, once they heard it was my 37th birthday trip they gave me a “happy birthday” button. I wore it for next two days,  getting several well wishes  and even a few extra perks here and there.

After settling in and getting a good night’s rest, we decided to go to the Magic Kingdom first. Since  we  were at the resort, it is much easier to take the monorail or bus  to  all  of the amusement. Getting  on the monorail is simple,  security personnel have little ramps which line up with the  vehicle and allow you  to drive your wheelchair inside. For a bus, the procedure is slightly different because they have lifts and tie-downs  to secure the wheelchair in place. At any rate, we arrived at the Magic Kingdom just in time for us to see the Disney characters dance by the castle. “Inviting” us  to enjoy the rest of our day.After that, my parents and I visited the Swiss  Family Robinson attraction where they reminded me of the first time we had visited when my dad carried  me to the very top of the treehouse. From there, we went  on the  Jungle Cruise ride.

If you are looking for a handicapped accessible boat, you may have to ask for assistance. In which case, they may give you a specific time slot where the boat is available. We had to wait until 1-1:30 PM; the boat had a special ramp that lowered me down and then rotated my wheelchair, so I was looking straight forward and could see either side of the water Along the way, my tour guide pointed out different animals; although these were animated, they gave a realistic portrayal of what people would have encountered in the Amazon. There were also waterfalls that kept people cool during the ride.   At 3 o’clock, we stopped on Main Street and waited for the Festival of Fantasy to begin. This parade highlights all of the characters from Disney movies, including Beauty and the Beast and of course, Mickey and Minnie Mouse

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