Music Monday: “Word of God Speak,” by Mercy Me

Music Monday: “Word of God Speak,” by Mercy Me

by: Debbie Waltz

Welcome Back, Readers ~

It’s been one of those weeks where I’ve been “radio silent,” I know, but for good reason-not only am I preparing another amazing “Faithful Friday” for you, but I am spending a little more time working on myself and making the best out of my single years. If you followed me long enough, you’ve probably heard me express my desire to have a husband someday. I have always known that desire was natural and pointed me toward God. But until recently, I’ve just learned that desire can peacefully coexist as long as you don’t let it become an idol. This is partially because of Stephanie May Warren’s Love Your Single life course; at any rate, I am learning more and more about myself, and it’s just Week 1.

Not only that, but this course has opened up new opportunities I never thought possible. A fellow course taker with a disability introduced me to this new nonprofit organization called “Even If,” the first (that I know of) ALL DISABLED and CHRONIC ILLNESS—Christian Bible study. Even though I just started participating in the group, I can tell the leaders (some even younger than me) are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Since I have grown this week, I figured I would give you the same opportunity. If there’s anything I’ve learned so far, it’s the importance of relying upon God more than anything else; That being said, I won’t have much to say about the music choice  this week. Please listen to this song during the week and let the lyrics speak to you independently. Because, as Christians, we all know the Holy Spirit can intercede on our behalf. Remember what Romans 8:26 says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”


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