Letters to God

The movie “Letters to God” served as one of the many interesting distractions I’ve experienced this last weekend. Inspired by Tyler Doherty’s lifelong battle with a brain tumor, this movie shows how one boy’s has the power to change lives. In the clip above, Tanner Maguire (who plays Tyler) writes letters to God in an effort to make sense of the cancer and its impact on his family. He sees God as his personal penpal, someone with whom he can share his deepest feelings without fear of rejection. His letter serve as prayers not only for himself, but others in the community.

So how do you go about mailing letters to God? That’s the question for mail carrier, Brady (played by Jeffrey S. Johnson). At first, Brady thinks about just passing them off to the local clergy and letting them handle it. But after talking to a pastor, he has a change of heart.

“You know, it seems to me that God put these letters into your hands for a reason; so maybe you should hold on to them!” The preacher says, continuing by asking Brady if he could pray for him.

In the end, Brady develops a strong connection with the Doherty family as they starts to discover the true meaning of faith and positivity in life no matter what the obstacles.

I’ll be honest in saying the concept wears on you after a while. Just as the concept of writing letters to God does. After all, God can’t write us back- at least not in the conventional sense. That’s what makes praying so difficult. You have to believe that your prayers are being heard and then wait. Sometimes, the answers may come in the form of family and friends, technological as well as surgical advances, etc. Other times, though, the answers may not be as clear.

With my surgery coming up on Friday, I seem to be caught in the middle of my life. My future, my past, belief and doubt, certainty and uncertainty. From the very beginning, I wasn’t keen on surgery and I can’t help wondering whether I’m doing the right thing. I wonder if it’s just because I’m afraid of what the future holds for me not just because of the surgery or everything involved with that, but because it could change my life. I’ve only known one way of life, using my left hand for practically everything. But retraining my brain, that’s a whole different task. Not only that but I’m not as young as I used to be. I can be a little stubborn too. That being said, I can’t help wondering what I gotten myself into.

On the other hand, my parents are positive I’m doing the right thing. That’s what baffles me the most, they’ve got the peace I’ve been praying for. Shouldn’t it be the other way around, I’m the one having the surgery? I’m the one whose life is going to be changed one way or another, with therapy, splints, etc. I’ve had surgeries before, so I don’t know why this one scares me the most.

My apologies if this post took a negative turn, but that and more has laid on my heart lately.

But then again, my life isn’t my own anymore.

It’s God’s, to do as He pleases.

God, I hope you were listening.

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