Kayleigh’s story

Welcome Back,

How did everybody’s weekend go? Mine went off without a hitch. It’s going to be my brother’s 30 birthday this week, so my sister-in-law and my family decided to throw him a surprise birthday party. He didn’t suspect a thing. I was surprised by how many people he knows from around here. Of course, he’s been living here longer than we have. Every year, I continue to be amazed by the new perspective that my brother has given me. He has grown so much, experienced so much; I can only hope to follow in his footsteps.

As long as I’m reminiscing, thinking about how far my brother and I have come, reminds me how grateful I am to be alive. To make a long story short, I was born 2 1/2 months early and had to spend 37 days in the University of Michigan Holden Intensive Care Unit for “preemies”. My stay there lasted for about a month before I was finally able to go home. They didn’t know it then, but my parents would later find out that I would have cerebral palsy. I am amazed at how far I have come since those days of breathing tubes etc. I trust that God will do great things through my life, using my testimony of struggles to bring glory to his name.

But not everyone is so lucky. Recently, I came across the story of the Freeman family. This remarkable young couple gave birth to their daughter Kayleigh over a year ago and still haven’t been able to take her home. Kayleigh is considered the 1 pound miracle to her family as well as to millions around the world. This family is a testimony of great strength through adversity and hope to all of whom they touch. Whatever happens, I’m sure God has great plans for little Kayleigh -on earth or in Heaven.


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