Encouragement: Blogging against Disabolism

Hey Guys~

Okay, so I know I’m behind by a few posts. As you know, we had a surprise party for my brother and it’s taken a while for my family to recover. Lately, it seems as we are always running somewhere and I don’t have much time to write and reflect. Life gets busy, you know? That being said, my posts may be shorter than usual for a while as I resume therapy and such. But please know that I will be putting the same amount of work and heart into them as I usually do; it’s just that other things have taken precedence-one of the being a book I have worked on for several years. What has caused this change of heart? Well, I was able to attend a writer’s conference last night; admittedly I have lost faith in the project sometimes, but my family has not. So I am going to give it another try.. God willing, “He Will Finish This Good Work” in Me.

Anyway, it has recently occurred to me that May 1st was Blogging Against Disablism Day. Truthfully, I never did really understand the purpose of this day. Many of the posts I often read in regards to this day express anger and frustration in regards to disability discrimination etc. On the one hand, I can understand where people in my situation are coming from, but anger really doesn’t get us anywhere! Does it? Don’t get me wrong, expressing our feelings for discrimination is a good thing, but I think it should be done in love and understanding.. That is the only thing that will bridge the gap in today’s society.

Keep that in mind as you read the entry below that features many posts regarding Blogging Against Disablism Day


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