Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Dear Readers,
Hello and welcome back.. Aww, who am I kidding? I’m the one who hasn’t written on here in two months. But a big thanks to those friends and family and followers of this blog to this day; you’re just one of the many reasons  I haven’t dropped the ball completely. I know that people care about me and want to hear what I have to say.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I’m pretty sure the holiday didn’t look as normal as it would have this time last year with the virus and everything going around. But still.. It gives us more to be grateful for when precautions are lifted and everything goes back to normal.
Still, I’m beginning to think that idea of normal is overrated these days. Think about it, just last year it was  just the three of us celebrating Thanksgiving at our family’s favorite Virginia Beach restaurant Catch- 31. Granted, the food there is fabulous and mom doesn’t have to  lift a finger in food prep and cleanup; I know moms appreciate the break sometimes. On the other hand, this Thanksgiving we found ourselves taking care of two dogs
Wait.. I thought you only had one dog, Debbie?

You’re right. But that doesn’t account for Lolli, Holly’s “dog” cousin. I’m not sure whether I wrote about Lolli’s adoption into my brother’s family. To make a long story short, Lolli came into our extended family just before our annual trip to Virginia Beach ; I had previously arranged for them to take care of her when we were away. That being said, you can imagine my anxiety leaving my baby with them. Thankfully, they became fast friends and cousins- except when it comes to sharing some toys
Now it was our turn to return the favor; not only that but we have a bearded Dragon, and Rebekah’s pet as well it has certainly been one very interesting week. Here’s some of my favorite pics for the week

It is unbelievable to think that just last year we didn’t have our sweet Holly. She had brought a new sense of laughter and joy to our family that I didn’t believe was possible. Albeit, she can be a handful sometimes-playing sweet one minute and racing away the next. We love her anyway.

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