Christmas Blessings to All

  Dear Readers~

 As I sat down to write this update, I struggled with what I should entitle it. I like to stay positive and upbeat my posts whenever I can to instill hope whenever possible. But sometimes it gets tiring. Like many of my readers, I have been saddened by the events surrounding the capital and its aftermath. I refuse to go into politics on this page, but I will say this. We certainly need God now more than ever.

During my education, I have read about riots and disagreements among parties; but never in my wildest dreams did I think something like that would happen in my lifetime. Now that it has, I am reminded once again of God’s infinite truth and peace- giving message of John 16:33. In this passage Jesus once again tries to remind his disciples of His impending death on the cross for all of humanity and those who choose to believe in Him. In the verse, Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”’

Throughout this chapter, Jesus is open and honest about the struggles the disciples (as well as all Christians) will face after his death; however, because of the resurrection there is still hope. In this verse, Jesus is trying to prepare his disciples for two questions they will face: whose they are and where the foundation of their faith comes from.

What’s the answer to both of those questions? 

I am a child of God (in Jesus Christ); I am trusting in the fact He Overcame!

He has overcome and I need not worry about anything else. Yes, I know there will be more obstacles to get through in the future, but I am constantly reminding myself that this is not my home…

Though earth is quite beautiful, I am just a person passing through on my way to be with the Lord.

I belong with Him

One day, He will come back and take me home to be with Him. Everything else won’t matter; only the things I’ve done for Him will last…

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*Verses used in this blog were:

1.) John 16:33

2.) 1 Corinthians 3: 13-15

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