Hallmark Hall of Fame: Christmas Everlasting – Hallmark Movie Trailer (A…

Welcome Back Readers~

How was everyone’s Thanksgiving? I hope you took advantage of the time with friends and family because those are moments you can’t get back. I certainly enjoyed our change in scenery as we celebrated in Virginia Beach this year. You see, my brother and sister-in-law decided to take the kids and visit Tennessee. So we decided to hit the road as well. I know what you’re thinking…

But wasn’t it cold at Virginia Beach? To answer your question, yes. But fortunately, we spent most of our time inside and relaxing. We ordered pizza and had dad get food for us most nights but on the first night we decided to venture out and walk the three blocks to Catch 31; it was blistering cold outside. For dinner, my parents ordered the traditional Thanksgiving turkey in some kind of fancy sauce while I decided on steak drenched in some kind of sauce that made it taste like pot roast instead. It was then that we determined if we were to venture out again dad would drive the van and drop us off as well as pick us up so the three of us didn’t have to walk. True to his word, we ventured out the day before we left Virginia Beach to get our usual favorites-mine was the crab cake dinner.

But that’s enough about my Thanksgiving. On November 25, our family enjoyed the Hallmark Hall Of Fame movie “Christmas Everlasting.”  Based on Martha Bostwick’s book “The Second Sister”, this movie follows Lucy Tooney’s (Tatyana Ali) journey back home after the devastating loss of her best friend and “sister”. The two had continued to grow close despite the strain the distance had on their friendship. Their friendship had overcome the biggest test of their lives when Alice got into an accident and had a traumatic brain injury which left her mentally challenged having to relearn everything again. Now, Lucy is left to face her past as well as her guilt. In the process, she inherits Alice’s home as well as her cat under the expressed condition that she stay there until after Christmas. At first, she is reluctant but feelings for an old flame began to change her mind- not to mention wanting to find out who the mysterious Maeve is.

I related to this movie for many reasons. First and foremost, it involves a character with a disability. Although she died, I can relate to sometimes feeling like a burden to the people I care about. I know it takes time out of their lives to care for me on a daily basis but I know they love me and that’s why they do it. Second of all, I know I have a small group of friends like Alice did (the “FOA” – Friends of Allic) that care about me. However, I wish I knew and felt I was making a difference in their lives. You see, most of them live in states far away from mine and I don’t get to see them that often. While it’s true we have cell phones and text, it’s not the same as seeing them face-to-face; I miss those college days where we were in the dorms and they were just a call away if I needed them. Back then things were so easy and uncomplicated by the struggles of life

Anyway, sorry for drifting a little off-topic there. I would really recommend watching any reruns of Christmas Everlasting when it comes on. With special guest stars like Patty Labelle and Dennis Haysbert, it’s sure to be a new Christmas favorite; it certainly is for me.

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