Grace by Laura Story

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No one likes it.

But what if I were to tell you it’s all a matter of prospective.

A New Way Of Looking At Failure

Failure can be looked at from two different perspectives. Generally, our first thought is “I failed.” or “What could I have done differently?;it causes us to look inward and blame ourselves. Let’s face it. We’re human and that’s going to be our first instinct-to lose sight of God and beat ourselves up for our mistakes. But what if we chose a different path, looking at our failures the way God sees them?

This is where grace comes in.

As Christians, God doesn’t see our sin (failures, mistakes, etc.) instead, he sees Jesus. He laid his 
life down for us so that we may live with him forever in  eternity.

G- God’s
R- Riches

A- At
E- Expense

We don’t deserve it.
We can’t earn it.
It is only because God’s Grace and Mercy that we have it
Here me clearly, this in no way means things will go perfectly once you accept Jesus into your life. This is fallen world and their will be temptations and difficulties. God does not expect you to the perfect, just to rely on him in every circumstance.Think of it like this, We are both saints and sinners at the same time. How can this be? Well, we are saints because God’s grace covers us when we pray for our transgressions. But we still are in the flesh.
What am I getting at here? Maybe we should start thinking of our failures as an opportunity- an opportunity to trust God and see what He is going to do in spite of our mistakes. It’s in these times of weakness. God shines the best. (2 Cor 12:9) As the movie Mom’s Night Out says, “I’m a mess, but I’m God’s mess…”
That being said, I’ve highlighted two of my favorite songs getting me through this season of doubt and discouragement. The first is Laura Story’s Grace.and the second is Tauren Wells’ Hills and valleys
Laura Story’s Grace

My heart is so proud. My mind is so unfocused.
I see the things You do through me as great things I have done.
And now You gently break me, then lovingly You take me
And hold me as my father and mold me as my maker.
I ask you: “How many times will you pick me up,
When I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of Your glory,
How far will forgiveness abound?”
And You answer: ” My child, I love you.
And as long as you’re seeking My face,
You’ll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace.”
At times I may grow weak and feel a bit discouraged,
Knowing that someone, somewhere could do a better job.
For who am I to serve You? I know I don’t deserve You.
And that’s the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on.
I ask you: “How many times will you pick me up,
When I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of Your glory,
How far will forgiveness abound?”
And You answer: ” My child, I love you.
And as long as you’re seeking My face,
You’ll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace.”
You are so patient with me, Lord.
As I walk with You, I’m learning what Your grace really means.
The price that I could never pay was paid at Calvary.
So, instead of trying to repay You, I’m learning to simply obey You
By giving up my life to you For all that You’ve given to me.
I ask you: “How many times will you pick me up,
When I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of Your glory,
How far will forgiveness abound?”
And You answer: ” My child, I love you.
And as long as you’re seeking My face,
You’ll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace.”

Tauren Wells’ Hills and Valleys-

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