First post of 2020

 Welcome Back Everyone~
Wow, it’s hard to believe this is my first post of the year 2020; honestly, I had planned to post before this posting or YouTubing views of my apartment downstairs. Obviously, it’s not in the cards right now. Despite all this uncertainty, was determined to make this year of dreams; to further my cause, I have joined Bethany Hamilton’s Unstoppable Year online course. Each month of the year focuses on a different topic; -for example January focused on being present and not becoming bogged down with things on social media. She not only shares her opinion on each topic, but opens up the conversation to friends of hers that have experience of some kind with this..
I’ll be honest, I’m only on the third month because I t have been busy and distracted by other things (which I will go into later on.) Hopefully things will slow down and I will be able catch up… But this online course is pretty much self-paced and you can watch the videos at your own leisure (rewatch them even.) Depending on how you choose to pay, each course will be available in month after you pay the first month of $9.99- or 1-time payment of $99 for the whole year.
And as many of you know, I have been wanting to add a puppy to my family for a long time now. Well, it is finally happening. I know we had wanted her to come after the basement was built, but I just couldn’t wait. I mean I’ve been waiting 20 years already. So I put a deposit down in faith for a litter in Virginia Beach. The litter didn’t end up happening and I was offered a pick in the next group of puppies. After my mom opened up about her concern about puppy size, we did some more research and came upon Gorgeous Goldendoddles. Not only did the fact they had medium size puppies available do it for us , But they also shared their faith on the website.As a result, we proceeded with them and recently went down to see the puppies in person. They were all so cute; it was hard to make a decision. In the end, here were my top three picks

Aspen Holly and Noelle (from left to right)

I liked Aspen because of its unique white socks and Noelle because of her bright blonde color. In the end, Holly’s name just stuck with me (I really don’t know why) but she seemed the most calm of the bunch .Anyway, barring any complications at the vet today, she will be ours February 12.I still can’t believe it; I guess I’m still in shock that it’s actually happening . I know the puppy months will be tough but I will get a long-term friend this; we also hope to train her to do some assistance dog skills as well.

As if that’s not enough, I have also been trying to finish my Christian section book and get it ready for a literary agent . Please pray that I remain focused amidst our new family member and remember I am representing

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