Finally… The Continuation of the Patrick Henry book review


So this post has been a long time coming, I know. I apologize if it’s not to the standards of my previous posts regarding this book review. In the previous posts, we have explored the following themes:

1.) Turning Lemons into Lemonade (a.k.a. making the best out of a difficult situation)
2.) Do what you can to make your life better, while accepting the rest.
3. ) The power of and how it impacts someone’s life.
4.) Passion: Doing What You Love

As I continued to review this book, it amazes me how many lives have been affected just hearing Patrick Henry’s testimony and music. I think his father puts it best when he says, “Finally, I have a purpose in life that is bigger than me- spreading God’s message of possibilities and unconditional love to all who choose to listen. It’s a wonderful and I owe it all to Patrick Henry!”

When we last left the book, Patrick Henry was in high school and taking piano lessons with Ms. Henda at her house. Over time, this became difficult because of accessibility issues (Up until this point, his father had been carrying his son inside the house) As a result, Ms. Henda began coming to their house and still comes there today for his lessons. To Patrick, music is not only a love but a challenge.

“The most exciting late pursuits are the ones you can never fully master,” he replies. That challenge, he says, is what propels him to the next day, overcoming whatever comes his way. He admits it’s not always easy finding one’s passion. But when you do, it changes your life forever.

As one of Patrick Henry’s friends put it, music was a form of escape for her. At first, he didn’t quite see his passion that way. But now he does. He explains, “It’s an escape to places inside of me that I couldn’t otherwise reach,”

I think this is an appropriate place to stop for right now. Next week, we will explore his next principle, “Be the You Your Mother Would Be Proud of.”
Most people would be surprised to find out music is not Patrick’s only passion in life. He also enjoys studying Spanish.

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