Faithful Friday: A Mother’s perspective

Dear Reader,


Before I introduce today’s Faithful Friday topic and guest, I would like to explain some things. When I first came up with the idea of “Faithful Friday,” I had every intention of highlighting people I knew (personally and/or professionally) that have been true to their faith despite life’s circumstances. I have always wanted this to be an open forum where readers can share their opinions and perspectives; this blog isn’t a place for me to air my personal feelings unless I believe they will help my readers and/or their parents learn from my experiences.

Lately, I have been conducting my interviews by submitting questions to the interviewee and conversing back and forth, and then writing an article based on those questions. Today, I wanted to try something a little different. If you like what I’ve done on this post and would like video/audio interviews to continue, tell me!

So, without further ado, here is my video interview with Christina Custodio. I first “met” Christina while attending She Writes For Him conference virtually over two years ago; with her hilarious sense of humor and authentic openness, she doesn’t hold back when reminding other authors of the importance of telling your story: the one God’s given you. I continued to follow her Facebook page and speaker page and was intrigued further when I heard about a book she was publishing regarding her family’s life- altering journey. I will try and give you the short version (even though she goes into more detail in the interview below- and her words are way more impactful than mine believe me)

Christina’s book, When God changed His Mind chronicles her 44 day- stay in the hospital with her son Isaiah as he recovers from surgery after a brain bleed leaves him unresponsive and near-death.

Take it away, Christina!

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