“Extraordinary measures” DVD- a story inspired by the Crowley Family


So it’s Wednesday and “Encouragement Day” here on A Life Without Limits. I haven’t done much lately because I’ve been busy and haven’t found much of interest. But today’s your lucky day.. As most of you know, Extraordinary Measures is out on DVD. I just received it through Netflix yesterday and plan on writing my review on Friday. But from what I understand and have read, it seems like an inspirational movie. This movie is inspired by the true story of the Crowley family whose two children had been diagnosed with Pompe, a life- threatening disease that ultimately impacts the hard, liver and other vital organs. In simple terms, the body has a difficult time breaking down glucose so it ends up storing it. To this day, there is no known cure, but that hasn’t stopped the family from searching. He even quit his job so he would be able to get his children into a clinical trial.

To read more about his story and the movie until my review, go to either one of these links.



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