Encouragment: Announcing Debbie questions week


It’s hard to believe, but in less than three days I will be moved into my own place. I know I keep reiterating that simple fact, I guess I am still trying to convince myself it’s not a dream. I have come a long way over the years. Been through a lot the past few years. I didn’t think I would ever end up here-about to embark on this new journey.

I know, I know. What does all this have to do with my disability blog. In all honesty, it really doesn’t have anything to do with it. Looking back at this blog, I’ve come to realize I haven’t given you much personal information, regarding my disability etc.. That is partly why I’m announcing next week to be Debbie questions week. This is the time where my readers can feel free to e-mail me specific questions regarding my life, disability, and coping mechanisms that I sometimes use just to get through a difficult day. Whatever it is, I will try to answer each question as openly and honestly as possible. Please make sure all the questions are reasonable. (You know what I mean)

I am doing this for two reasons. First and most obvious, so that my readers can get to know me of a bit better. But also so I can get to know my readers better, giving me more insight into what they need and expect from my blog. Not to mention, there is the added bonus of not having to write for a week. This will be especially helpful since I’m not quite sure when I will have my Internet hooked up in my apartment. A lot of things are still up in the air yet. Seriously, though, I do love writing for this blog; however, I’m not sure how much more writing I can do on my own without a little participation from you. So please participate.

I still have one more post on my sleeve, so don’t start writing just yet. But I do look forward to getting to know you through your e-mails and questions during next week

Best regards,

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