Encouragement: The Life of a Disabled Young Woman

Hello Everyone,

Another early installment on my blog. I hope everybody had a nice weekend with their families. Mine was okay, simply just not long enough. Dad left on business early on Sunday; not giving us enough family time at I would like. I start work tomorrow. I’m excited.

Anyway, onto today’s post..

As I set out to write this, I’m not really sure how I should approach the topic. But the simple fact is many people struggle with this on a daily basis and I want them to know they are not alone. So I guess you’re wondering what the topic is. The topic is, being single and disabled in the United States. Now, I’m risking things a little by telling you I myself am single. But I feel that it is necessary to tell you, to assure you that you are not alone.

As a single woman who is disabled, I want what everyone wants. A person who loves me and accepts me for who I am. Sure, we may encounter different obstacles than most, but we love each other and are able to look past the obvious differences. I will love and respect the tasks that my husband will do for me because I realize the sacrifices he’s made for me.

I just have to trust and believe in God’s timing.

Other people may not have the same perspective that I do. But the key thing to keep in mind is that they never give up hope. Take for example a recent article in New doing what one Mobility Magazine. Amber Ramsden is another 27-year-old who admits she is a “chronic ” dater. After being disabled in some kind of accident (it wasn’t specified in article), Amber went through the typical feelings of the disabled community. She began to wonder if she would ever be capable of having normal relationships. It was as if her identity as a woman had been taken from her since the accident.

After attending a camp for people with disabilities, Amber realized that was the wrong way to think. Meeting a young man named Eric opened her eyes to the real meaning of being an individual. He gave more than just a fake tattoo, he also gave her her first kiss. It was then that she realized she liked the idea of long-term relationships. She felt that was the only way she could have someone support her.

After a number of brief relationships, she now realizes many of the mistakes she made. First, Amber understands the importance of knowing who you are before you enter a relationship.

Part two of this post deals with the waiting process. Now this can sometimes be the most difficult part of a struggle. After all, we are surrounded by a world that does often tells us we have to be a success. But what defines success? Usually, it’s a good job, a family of your own, etc. it doesn’t help matters when good men seem like they’re all taken and all of your friends seem to be getting married before you.

So how do you respond?

The truth is, I really don’t know. But here is one perspective


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Ramsden, Amber.. “Single In the City: In the Game ” newmobilty.com, October 2007. 17 October 2007


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