Encouragement: Stick To Your Story

So I’m still running a bit behind. But I figure it’s better late than never. That being said, I will be adding two posts today.. One of a encouraging nature , one of a serious nature. Let’s get the fun started, shall we?

Since I haven’t really written much this week, I have had a lot of time on my hands. I’ll admit I have spent most of my time playing games on Pogo.com; I’m only human and sometimes I realize that it seems easier to spend your days on mindless activities rather than accomplishing your dreams. That got me thinking- I had forgotten about making God part of my day. Sure, I listen to Christian music and watch Tbaa. But something was missing lately. Then, I remembered. My devotional!

I began searching through my e-mail for Joni’s daily words of wisdom. This one struck a chord; I thought I would share it with you. Keep in mind, this devotional is just a paraphrase. To get her words inspired by God delivered to your mailbox, go to the Joni and friends website along the side of this webpage.
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Too often, being born with a disability means that people have a tendency to not take us seriously. In Wednesday’s devotional, Joni Erickson Tada tells the story of Chuck, a grown man with down syndrome. Chuck and his friends were visiting church that Sunday from a nearby group home in a effort to learn more about the disabled community. As part of their service, Chuck was asked to stand up and recite John 3: 16. He did so eagerly and bowed before starting to return to his seat. The audience laughed.

Chuck’s response: “That’s when he stepped forward, stuck out his chest and insisted, “Don’t laugh, I mean it! I really believe it!”

The congregation grew silent. Chuck has made his point. He wasn’t just repeating something he had heard over and over through the years. He actually believed what he was saying.. Or as Joni puts it, ” He was a grown man with a mind and a will to choose. He believed the gift of eternal life was serious, offered to him through the solemn sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His defense of the Gospel gave pause to the congregation. “

Chuck is powerful example of how God uses the weak to lead the strong. As Corinthians 1:27 says, “…God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong”

Joni’s point: Chuck’s disability allows him to look beyond the superficial things of this world and focus on eternity. The reality is that sin is real, hell exists, and people will indeed perish if not for the life saving plans of Jesus Christ on the cross.

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