Encouragement: Making the Most Of Every Day.

Hey Guys~

Before I get started with today’s post, I wanted to give you a heads up for the rest of the week. Over the last few months, I have realized there are a few projects on this blog that I haven’t finished. My grown up girl friends book review and “Debbie questions” week are just a few. I intend to rectify that. On Friday, I will once return to the book review and try to finish what I started. In terms of questions that my readers may have, you are always welcome to e-mail me. Who knows? I may announce a questions week again since it just occurred to me sometime this month is my two-year blog anniversary.

Now onto today’s post..

It’s hard to believe it’s the middle of the week already. It still amazes me how fast time can fly; so I have learned the importance of not taking anything for granted. Even the hard time times. As I mentioned many times before, it’s these times that have the potential to develop the most character. Here’s another person’s perspective on learning to take our moments and use them wisely.


2 thoughts on “Encouragement: Making the Most Of Every Day.”

  1. This is a great reminder. Lately I seem to be rushing the simple, slow moments when I really should be embracing them.

    You’re blog is great Debbie! You do an awesome job!

  2. This is a great reminder. Lately I seem to be rushing the simple, slow moments when I really should be embracing them.

    You’re blog is great Debbie! You do an awesome job!


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