Encouragement: Lessons from The Real World… Lending A Helping Hand on the Metro

Welcome Back Readers ~

I came across  this inspirational  story that  was featured  last night on the news It’s nice to know  that there are still  people in this world  that care!


Over 43 years working on the job, O. J Richardson has made it his priority to help people as they navigate their way through the Metro Station in Downtown DC. But none are more special than the students at St. Coletta in Southeast DC. You see, they have a variety of disabilities ranging from autism to physical impairments;  as part of   outstanding  learning curriculum, they are  taught how to use  maps  and   distinguish between  the different   routes.

 Richardson helps out whenever he can. He says, “My mother instilled in us the right way to go!” In helping to teach these lessons now, they are not only gaining knowledge for the future; but they are gaining confidence in their ability to remain independent as well. 18-year-old Ricky Thomas Byers puts it best when he says, “[I want to] got my own place [and] call my own shots..”


 Citation  for TV Program: “Monitoring Metro ” Fox channel 5 WTTG DC, News at 10pm, May 22, 2013

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