A Closer Look At Autism With the New “Colored My Mind” Documentary

Dear Readers,|

As the weekend begins, I am overwhelmed with the number of disabled stories being reported on Fox 5.The first segment featured a documentary on Autism;. The documentary attempts to shed light on this sometimes misunderstood disorder by creating a open-ended discussion and sharing four different mothers’experiences. The second story was entitled  “Prom Promises”; this is a unique program that allows disabled students to attend prom like any other student- that is, with the help of some Lee High School students. For more information on any of these inspiring stories, you can follow the links below

Have a wonderful weekend!
God bless,

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The Official Website of The Color My Mind Documentary-http://www.coloredmymind.com/

The Official Trailer of Colored My Mind can be viewed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNgbEHy03tg

“Prom Promises” Segment –
http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/22157521/disabled-students-get-a-prom-of-their-own-in-springfield#axzz2SGzKtVm1 hey sorry will listen to

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