Encouragement: Be Thankful


So I had planned on doing something completely different for today when it dawned on me that today was the day before Thanksgiving. Don’t get me wrong, I had been thinking and arranging the days off for my personal assistants; but I hadn’t really had time to sit down (no pun intended ) and think about it. Things have been pretty hectic around my apartment- days full of organizing and reorganizing, trying to remember EXACTLY where I put everything in my very own place.

There have been a lot of firsts for me- both good and not so good. Here are just a few of them.

  1. My very own Christmas tree. My mom bought me a pre-lit one with colored lights . All we had to do was set it up.
  2. My first heat and electric bill. Luckily, it wasn’t that much because I moved in halfway through the month
  3. My first maintenance. They have to get me a new dishwasher because ours doesn’t work. We learned that surely after moving in.

Things with my roommate are working out pretty well. She spends most weekends with me, until she can move in permanently in December. This will hopefully be on the 12th, since her semester ends at that point.. one thing I will say, things are definitely easier and more fun when she is around.

Anyway, enough about me. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?


PS. There is not going to be a post on Friday because I am going to be spending time with family

2 thoughts on “Encouragement: Be Thankful”

  1. debbie, hello.
    I was helping your father with flights at Northwest airlines yesterday. You really have a wonderful father. He told me to look at your site. Your a amazing girl. I think your a very smart and strong girl and will go very far. Keep up the good work

  2. debbie, hello.
    I was helping your father with flights at Northwest airlines yesterday. You really have a wonderful father. He told me to look at your site. Your a amazing girl. I think your a very smart and strong girl and will go very far. Keep up the good work


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