Easter Is Coming

So Easter is coming in two days: not according to the date of this post but the date I’m actually writing this. (I’m late by a couple weeks, I know!) Anyway, if you’re anything like me, sometimes you can get caught up in life and forget the meaning behind these holidays. That’s happened to me this Easter. I don’t know exactly what exactly it happened, but I seem to have gotten caught up in the days.. Planning ahead, taking things for granted! That’s when I got a reality check through Facebook. My friends had their priorities straight. They weren’t concerned about their weekend plans on their status, but instead took the time to remind me of the miraculous resurrection that occurred on Easter.

Which leads me to a moment of personal reflection: Why have I forgotten the Lord? I know I’m only human and I’m prone to make mistakes. But still, my life is not a game or rehearsal, it is in fact an opportunity. By sharing my struggle, I hope to keep my fellow readers from the same obstacle or at least show you that you are the alone.

That being said, my status on Facebook now reads:

Have I forgotten you O Lord? “Cast me not from your presence, oh Lord; take not your Holy Spirit from me. But restore unto me the joy of your salvation..” I can’t remember exactly where these lyrics are from but that pretty much describes what I’m feeling right now. Please remember why we celebrate Easter everyone!

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