Dr. Phil Highlights Bullying of The Disabled and Other Groups Of People

Welcome Back~
For those of you that follow my blog daily, you may have noticed that today’s post showed up a day late. Or maybe you didn’t even notice… Either way, I am back from a short vacation in Annapolis, Maryland. My dad had business there and I decided to join him. My mom is off on a short vacation as well, visiting family.
It was a great time, just spending time with my father and being able to reflect on my life in new surroundings. Granted, I would have liked to have stayed a longer to see the sights of Annapolis: my dad told me the Naval Academy was down that way. Meetings kept my dad pretty busy though.. Still, I managed to make the best of my time there-tasting eggs Benedict for the very first time and making good use of the hotel’s Internet connection.

Now that I’m back, though, it’s time to let you in on the latest issues regarding the disabled community.. I’m talking about the constant tendency to “look down” on those with mental or physical impairments. This was the controversy discussed on Dr. Phil’s “Bullies Beware” episode. In this episode, a 26-year-old woman says she is “proud” to be a bully. She even goes further by saying handicapped people make her feel uncomfortable.

As usual, Dr. Phil tries to put everything in perspective. He not only reasons that she might feel the need to bully because of her own insecurity and lack of knowledge about a disability. What irks me most was when a actor playing a disabled citizen talked to her, she wouldn’t give him the time of day: but when he stood up (later on in the show) only than did she start talking!

2 thoughts on “Dr. Phil Highlights Bullying of The Disabled and Other Groups Of People”

  1. It is sad when someone can't see beyond the shell to the person inside. I wonder who else in her life she isn't truly seeing behind their more "normal" shell.

    I am so happy to hear you had a great trip. Spending time with family can be a special blessing. I hope the Lord used it to renew your spirit. 🙂

  2. It is sad when someone can't see beyond the shell to the person inside. I wonder who else in her life she isn't truly seeing behind their more "normal" shell.

    I am so happy to hear you had a great trip. Spending time with family can be a special blessing. I hope the Lord used it to renew your spirit. 🙂


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